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陈志贤 子容——网络公开申报2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物

2018-06-24 15:51:52      来源:

尊敬的北京冬奥会组委会领导您们好! 尊敬的北京冬奥会吉祥物申报中心您们好! 尊敬的广大网友朋友们您们好!

我是名画家陈志贤子容, (笔名子容,个人具体资料可百度等网络上查询),首先感谢各位领导们、广大网友朋友们的热情关注!我在2017年9月份创作出了,《一帶一路.路路畅通》(見图片)的书画作品的同時也创作出了一幅,2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物的作品即《一帶一路-金鹿》的吉祥物,并且在国家版权局注册申报了版权证书(見图),因看到网上征集吉祥物的结止日期为2021年12月31日,其他资料均旡,苦于查不到申报单位,只能通过媒体希望更多的人群来关注。同时也能体現公开、公平、公证的原则,让广大众群来投票平选,体現群众的智慧。

我认为我创作这吉祥物是非常有意义的,是非常复合当前我国的国情向世界倡导的一带一路方针,同時也弘扬了中华传统文化,这吉祥物有着深厚的文化底蕴和丰富的内涵让中国传统文化艺术走向世界,让世界了解中国,吉祥物是代表一个国家的文化意义深远!这才是最重要的, 为此,想通过网络申报2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物,申报人: 陈志贤子容。 2022年6月5日 吉祥物创作说明: 我创作这吉祥物是中国国宝级动物之一 鹿,鹿也是东北三件宝之一, 即东北三件宝人参、貂皮、鹿茸角, 在美丽可爱金色的小鹿脖子上系个中国红的红絲带, 身上印有奥运五环的标志, 六只美丽可爱的金色小鹿, 一带一路是金色的道路, 六只鹿是寓意着,眼观六路,耳听八方。(見图片)

The leaders of the Beijing Olympic Winter Games Organizing Committee are good! Dear Beijing Winter Olympic mascot declaration center, Hello! Dear friends, friends, you are good!

I am a painter Chen Zhixian son Rong, (pen name, personal information can be Baidu and other network query), first of all, thanks to the leaders, the vast number of friends friends of the warm attention! In September, 2017, I created a picture of the Beijing Winter Olympics Mascot, the mascot of the golden deer along the road, and the mascot of the golden deer in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022. The date of termination of the matter is December 31, 2021, and all other information is difficult to find the reporting unit. Only through the media, more people are expected to pay attention. At the same time, it can also reflect the principle of openness, fairness and notarization, so that the broad masses can vote and reflect the wisdom of the masses.

I think it is very meaningful for me to create this mascot. It is very complex to combine the national conditions of our country to the world, and also carry forward the Chinese traditional culture. This mascot has a profound cultural connotation and rich connotation that makes Chinese traditional culture and art go to the world and let the world understand China. The mascot represents the cultural significance of a country. This is the most important thing. For this reason, I want to declare the mascot of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing by Internet: Zhihyun Ko Chen Rong. June 5, 2022 mascot creation: I created this mascot is one of the Chinese national treasure deer, the deer is one of the three treasures in the northeast, that is, three parts of the northeast, the skin of mink and the horn of deer antler. It is a red ribbon on the neck of the beautiful and lovely golden deer, and the five ring marks of the Olympic Games are printed on the body, and six are marked with the Olympic rings. Beautiful and lovely golden deer, along the way is the Golden Road, the six deer are meaning, watching the six ways, listening to the eight sides.

2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物 申报作品



陈志贤,笔名子容,国家一级美术师,荣宝斋特邀画家、新中国国礼艺术家,驻华使(领)馆特聘画家。中国国学书画家交流协会副会长,北京子容慧贤书画院院长,中华文化遗产保护传承大师,世界非物质文化遗产中国书画形象大使,“中共十九大题贺艺术名家” 等荣誉称号,国画大师徐悲鸿再传弟子。

Chen Zhixian Zi Rong art resume

Chen Zhixian, pen name, son, national first class artist, Rong Bao Zhai invited painter, new China ritual artist, special artist in China. The vice president of the Chinese calligraphy and painting Exchange Association, the president of Beijing Zi Rong Hui Yin painting academy, the master of the heritage protection and inheritance of Chinese cultural heritage, the ambassador of Chinese calligraphy and painting in the world's intangible cultural heritage, and the honorary title of "the nineteen great titles of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of China", and the master of the Chinese painting master Xu Beihong.



作品分别多次荣获国内外金奖、一等奖、法国卢浮宫银奖和最佳创作奖等奖项。并荣获“德艺双馨艺术家”、“人民优秀艺术家” 、“2016年年度书画艺术领军人物”、“共和国杰出艺术家”和被授予“国家艺术家金奖”等荣誉称号。作品《国色天香》、《富贵天香》、《前程似锦》、《盛世花茂》等多幅作品作为国礼。先后被俄罗斯副总理、泰国亲王,外国领导,泰国驻华总领事及国际友人,国内外企事业单位、国家领导、各地博物馆、纪念馆等地收藏。人生格言:自强、自立、自信、自律:学无止境,认真探求、乐观向上、不懈努力!







The works have won many awards, such as gold medal at home and abroad, first prize, Le Louvre Museum silver prize and best Creation Award. He won the honorary title of "the artists of the German art and the artists", "the outstanding artists of the people", "the leading figures of the year 2016 and the art of calligraphy and painting", the "outstanding artists of the Republic" and the award of "the gold medal of the National Artists". Many works such as "heaven and earth", "riches and heavenly fragrance", "future brocade", "flourishing flower Mau" and many other works are national rites. It has been collected by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the prince of Thailand, the foreign leader, the consul general consul of Thailand and the international friends, the domestic and foreign enterprises and institutions, the national leaders, the museums, and the commemorative museums. Life motto: self reliance, self reliance, self confidence, self-discipline: endless learning, serious exploration, optimism, and unremitting efforts.

President Jin Shangyi commented on Chen Zhixian's painting and calligraphy works.

Although he never met Mr. Zi Rong, he was impressed by his works. Mr. Guan's works often give people a sense of optimism and prosperity. The Peng she painted still had a soaring trend, and her bright prospects showed her husband's will. The peony of the gentleman is graceful, magnificent, noble and elegant. It shows the beauty of the feminine artist as a female artist and the positive life.

His composition is novel and his technique is perfect. His works are amazing. The latest creation of the "one area and one road" is a wonderful idea. It is a perfect fusion of several beautiful meanings, and the most intuitive form of expression is incisively and vividly. It is absolutely a pioneer of the painting world. It also reflects the noble quality and love for the motherland.

Over the past decades, the pursuit of art has never ceased, and efforts have been made to innovate, actively explore and create excellent works. The art of art comes from life, and his works are always shown to the world as a contemporary woman, a noble sentiment of a contemporary female artist, a broad mind and a positive yearning and unremitting effort for a better tomorrow. I wish Mr. Chen Zhixian the courage to climb the peak of the art road in the future.

标签: 冬奥会 吉祥物 北京



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